Registration Anrede Mr.Mrs.Divers Prename Name E-Mail-adress Street PLZ City Phone Accommadation Training level Logged dives Date of birth HOUSE ROULES - The maximum depth limit for recreational divers is 40 metres. In the event of an offence, the diver is liable for any fines incurred by himself and the diving centre. - 0.0 per mille when diving - Proper and respectful behaviour in the hotel complex (no blowing out tanks) - If a dive is cancelled at short notice (after 6 p.m. for the following day) by the diver, the dive and any additional fees (guide, equipment, etc.) will be charged. With my signature I unconditionally accept the house rules of the diving RABAC diving school and in particular confirm that I am mentally and physically fit to carry out the diving sport. I hereby consent to the above personal data being collected, processed and used by Sport SUB d.o.o. for security purposes and for the purpose of sending digital data, offers, info mails, etc. I have been informed that I can revoke this consent at any time without any disadvantages. I have been assured by Sport SUB d.o.o. that my data protection interests are guaranteed without restriction and that my data will not be transferred to third parties.